Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Futura in use

This is a plaque from the Apollo space mission to the moon in 1969. I noticed they used Futura for the message. This shows how Futura expresses a modern feel as it has been associated with new ideas like space travel.
Volkswagen also use Futura for their logo typeface. The style of the typeface reflects many things that are also associated with the Volkswagen brand such as efficiency, functionality and being forward thinking.
Futura makes frequent appearances in the animated TV show Futurama which parodies old science-fiction depictions of the future.
Futura was Stanley Kubrick's favourite typeface (particularly Futura Extra Bold) and he used it in various movies he made. He used Futura for the title of 2001: A Space Odyssey and I think it's very appropriate as the typeface has proven to be as timeless as the film itself, even though it was used in 1968. In that sense Futura is a suitable typeface for a film predicting what the future will be like in 2001.

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